Asaad Arabi: Om Kalthoum

24 April - 30 May 2013

Ayyam Gallery Jeddah is pleased to announce Om Kalthoum, a solo exhibition of Syrian artist Asaad Arabi from 24 April – 30 May 2013. 


Following on from his previous series of work Nostalgia, shown at Ayyam Gallery DIFC, Dubai in 2011, for his exhibition at Ayyam Gallery Jeddah the artist revisits the subject of legendary Egyptian singer, Om Kalthoum. Arabi paints expressive portraits of her that both serve as a tribute to her talent and investigate the wider relationship between music and painting. Throughout his gestural work, he pays close attention to colour: bold strokes of vivid colour call to mind a conductor leading his orchestra through a powerful symphony, or a composer marking notes on a score.