Kais Salman: Fables in the Unknown

19 September - 1 November 2022

Ayyam Gallery is pleased to present Kais Salman’s most recent body of work in his solo Fables in the Unknown. We look forward to welcoming you at the gallery for the vernissage in presence of the artist from 6 to 9 pm on September 19th.


A fable is a literary genre, a succinct fictional story that features animals and legendary creatures and leads to a particular ‘moral’ lesson. Kais does the visual equivalent in his work, creating his imaginary world in which his characters represent the masses. He illustrates civilization’s pros and cons and the chaos of the human condition. There’s a difference between reading and seeing an idea; a writer dictates his concept. Visually, the artist is only giving you tools to provide you with a glimpse at the complete picture. Leaving it open-ended. There’s no solution, no answer; it’s a chance to dream. Creating emotions, taking you to a different world, a different universe.